The unique plot of Mozart’s «The Magic Flute»

Oh, Pamina, my Pamina! Why do these masons keep you away from me? It is my casual interpretation of Tamino’s arias in the second act of Mozart’s “Zauberfleute”. It may not be the exact translation. I can’t say for sure. I don’t speak German. Choosing Mozart’s singspiel was an excellent move to dive deeper into all

James Bay: Is it all about visual?

«Pop music is much more about visual, you know?» James Bay, MYfm interview, 9 Feb 2018 How important is the visual component for the pop song? Do you often listen to songs with taking not a single glance at the performer? Do you enjoy music videos or is the sound the only thing that matters for you? Apparently,


What would I do for love? What is love? What would YOU do for love? For a long time I’ve been annoying my Facebook friends with a short and, from the first sight, easy question: What would you do for love? I’ve received 21 answers (yes, friends, I notice if you’re ignoring me, it’s not

About losing soulmates

I liked one song line recently. “I’m sick of losing soulmates”. It seemed so powerful and meaningful to me. But…you know, if you lost him-her-them, that means it wasn’t about soulmates. It was problem-mate, mindset-mate, situation-mate. Even pain-mate. But soulmates…you don’t lose them: the souls’ connection is deeper. There is no right or wrong situation

Feel the love.

«People should fall in love with their eyes closed» said Andy Warhol once. I guess he did, at least I thought so when I chose this quote many years ago to post on my social network page. Why should my eyes be closed? Shouldn’t I see the face that I find the most beautiful, the

Do you remember Demi Lovato?

Do you remember Demi Lovato? Right, she used to be one of these sunny-funny girls from Disney Channel.On July 24, 2018 the 25-year-old singer and actress Demi Lovato has been hospitalized after drug overdose. Now her family is thinking about possible rehabilitation options for Demi. “Hm… Another drug-addicted star? Money spoils people. Remember all these

Now in English

On the 19th of September my blog turned 1 year. Hooray! Certainly, my posts were not regular enough, but guys, its «anarchic blog», I warned you 😀 And now I start my blog in English. It still will be called «MOMMONART», but now it will be more difficult for me to share my thoughts 😀


Переплетение разных сфер жизни, разных аспектов одной темы  обычно и создает нечто особенное, что действительно достойно внимания и что по-настоящему трогает сердца. А война.. она не переплетается с другими сферами. Она может разгромить все настолько, что на фоне этих разрушений истинно важные вещи становятся еще красивее. Правда, печально-красивее. Когда родной город иракского скрипача Ameen Mukdad


Песни пишутся только тогда, когда ты на грани большой эмоциональной пропасти. Петь хочется только тогда, когда мысли улетают куда-то далеко, от счастья или от чего-то похуже. Тексты пишутся только тогда, когда слова уже заполнили голову и стремятся излиться куда-то дальше черепной коробки. Это приступы вдохновения? Или признаки отчаяния? Почему не получается все это делать «JUST